Retired Law Enforcement Officer
Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act
HR 218 Qualification
371 Rose Hill Road, South Kingstown, RI 02879
Wednesday January 9, 2019
5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Club 1529 Fish Rd, Tiverton, RI 02878
This Qualification is for Retired Law Enforcement Officers, who had arrest powers, are retired and in good standing with their agency. As such they are allowed to carry a concealed weapon in all 50 states (except in places where this is specifically prohibited, such as Federal Buildings).
HR 218 “The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act,”was signed into law on July 22, 2004.
As a result, an individual who qualifies under LEOSA does not require a state-issued permit for carrying a concealed firearm in any state, including that person's home state.
- A review of Firearms Safety
- A review of Use of Deadly Force
- Informational Handouts on HR 218
Spartan International will supply all the targets, the use of the range, instructors and range safety officers. Participants should plan accordingly and bring ample ammunition and shoot the qualification(s).
Approximately 10 days after the qualification course those participants who successfully passed the qualification course will be sent documentation indicating such.
Retired Officers wishing to qualify MUST:
- Present a valid retirement Photo Police ID from the agency that they retired from
- Supply their own firearm and ammunition to qualify
- Bring Eye and Hearing Protection.
- Register and pay NO LATER than October 15, 2018
Registration and payment in NO way guarantees successful qualification.
In order to successfully qualify, retired officers must successfully pass the State qualification as detailed in 11-47-15.1
§ 11-47-15.1 Qualifications required of law enforcement officers appointed after June 6, 1970.
(a) Except as provided in § 11-47-15.3, all law enforcement officers of this state and its political subdivisions whose permanent appointment shall take place later than June 6, 1970, shall qualify on the official National Rifle Association B-21 police combat target firing a score of one hundred sixty-five (165) or better out of a possible score of two hundred fifty (250) with fifty (50) rounds in the distance, time period, and position required in the course:
(1) Stage A: Seven (7) yards, ten (10) shots crouch position, time twenty-five (25) seconds.
(2) Stage B: twelve (12) yards, five (5) shots point shoulder left hand, five (5) shots point shoulder right hand, both unsupported, and five (5) shots kneeling, time seventy-five (75) seconds.
(3) Stage C: twenty-one (21) yards, five (5) shots point shoulder left hand supported, five (5) shots point shoulder right hand supported, time forty-five (45) seconds.
(4) Stage D: twenty-five (25) yards, five (5) shots prone, five (5) shots left hand barricade, five (5) shots right hand barricade, time one minute forty-five (1:45) seconds.
(b) All stages are started with the weapon loaded with 5 rounds and holstered.
SPARTAN INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING GROUP stopped using the Army L Course of Fire In 2017 after our legal research team felt that it did not completely meet the federal law requirement for qualification see below:
“(4)During the most recent 12-month period, has met, at the expense of the individual, the standards for qualification in firearms training for active law enforcement officers, as determined by the former agency of the individual, the State in which the individual resides or, if the State has not established such standards, either a law enforcement agency within the State in which the individual resides or the standards used by a certified firearms instructor that is qualified to conduct a firearms qualification test for active duty officers within that State;”
There are a limited number of spots available for this event, and as such registration is taken on a first come first serve basis.
To register for this event please go to:
Cost: $75.00
*** Those that are subject to a protective order under the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, or are prohibited from possessing a firearm by State or Federal Law are not allowed to participate.